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This page describes all the options in the VitePress I18n.

locales (Required)

  • Type: string[] | I18nLocale[]

Defines a list of languages that this plugin should support. This involves including the language code corresponding to the list of supported languages in an array value.

For example, to support English and Korean, use values like ['en', 'ko'].

withI18n(vitePressOptions, {
  locales: ['en', 'ko']

This way, in your documentation structure, you should organize English as an en directory and Korean as a ko directory.

If you want to name the directories differently than the supported language codes, you can map them with objects of type I18nLocale. For example, if your directories are named eng and kor, you can map them to English and Korean, respectively, as follows

  locales: [
    { path: 'eng', locale: 'en' },
    { path: 'kor', locale: 'ko' }

Where path is the directory name and locale is the supported language code.

For a list of supported language codes, see this article.


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

This option value specifies the language code to set as the root locale. In VitePress's i18n settings, that language is specified as root. This value is required to specify the default language for VitePress, but it uses the first array value of the locales option even if you don't specify an option value.

For example, if English is the default language, set the rootLocale value to en.

Note that you must use the locale language code, not the directory path (e.g., use en for the rootLocale value when the directory name is eng).


  • Type: 'local' | 'algolia' | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Setting this option to local or algolia displays the search interface on your site. The translation of the interface text used for this search is provided automatically. For more information, see the following documentation:

To override VitePress's search options, you can use the searchOptions option.


  • Type: LocalSearchOptions | AlgoliaSearchOptions
  • Default: undefined

You can specify refinement options for local or algolia searches.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If this option is true, the lang value is not set automatically.Use this if you do not want to specify a value for the lang attribute of the html tag.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If this option is true, you can try printing the options used and the output to the console log.


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

Use this option if you want to use custom labels.

  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

Use this option if you want to use a custom link.


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

Use this option if you want to use a custom lang property value.


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

This option is used when you want to display different site titles for different languages.

It is declared as an object, with the key value being the language code and the value being string data. You must use the corresponding language code even when you are the root locale. For example, to customize English and Korean respectively, you would set it like this:

  locales: ['en', 'ko'],
  rootLocale: 'en',
  title: {
    en: 'Welcome',
    ko: '환영합니다'


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

This option is used when you want to display different site title templates (tail separators) for different languages.

It is declared as an object, with the key value being the language code and the value being string data. You must use the corresponding language code even when you are the root locale. For example, to customize English and Korean respectively, you would set it like this:

  locales: ['en', 'ko'],
  rootLocale: 'en',
  titleTemplate: {
    en: ' | Website',
    ko: ' | 웹사이트'


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

This option is used when you want to display different site descriptions for different languages.

It is declared as an object, with the key value being the language code and the value being string data. You must use the corresponding language code even when you are the root locale. For example, to customize English and Korean respectively, you would set it like this:

  locales: ['en', 'ko'],
  rootLocale: 'en',
  description: {
    en: 'Website description',
    ko: '웹사이트 설명'
  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

This option is used when using different head settings for different languages.

It is declared as an object, with the key value being the language code and the value being string data. You must use the corresponding language code even when you are the root locale. For example, to customize English and Korean respectively, you would set it like this:

  locales: ['en', 'ko'],
  rootLocale: 'en',
  head: {
    en: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon-en.ico' }]],
    ko: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon-ko.ico' }]]


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

This option is used when using different themeConfig settings for different languages.

It is declared as an object, with the key value being the language code and the value being string data. You must use the corresponding language code even when you are the root locale. For example, to customize English and Korean respectively, you would set it like this:

  locales: ['en', 'ko'],
  rootLocale: 'en',
  themeConfig: {
    en: {
      nav: [
          text: 'API',
          link: '/en/api'
    ko: {
      nav: [
          text: 'API',
          link: '/ko/api'

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